Predict the next quarter sales of SuperKart
- Complete the blank spaces in the required units.
- For Y/N answers, put a 1 if applies and a 0 if doesn't apply
- You can only press calculate when all blank spaces are filled
Product Weight (gr):
Radio of Allocated Area:
Max Retail Price: ($)
Sugar content - No sugar: (Y/N)
Sugar content - Regular: (Y/N)
Sugar content - Low Sugar: (Y/N)
Store size - Big: (Y/N)
Store size -Medium: (Y/N)
Store size -Small: (Y/N)
Store Location - Tier 2: (Y/N)
Store Location - Tier 2: (Y/N)
Store Location - Tier 3: (Y/N)
Store Type -Food Mart: (Y/N)
Store Type 1: (Y/N)
Store Type 2: (Y/N)
Store Type - Department Store: (Y/N)
Non Consumable Product:(Y/N)
Food Related Product: (Y/N)
Drink Related Product: (Y/N)