
Fantasy Sports: Unsupervised Learning Project

Conducted a cluster analysis on fantasy sports’ past season data to identify players of different potentials and determine a set price for each player for the upcoming football season.

KPMG Virtual Intership

This project was undertaken as part of the KPMG Virtual Internship Program and it encompased 3 tasks: (1) Data Quality Assesment, (2) Custer Analysis and a (3) PowerBI presentation with the insights.

Shalom Website (Front-end web development)

Independently created a website from the ground up as part of a volunteer project for Shalom Lima. Aiming to showcase Shalom Peru’s activities and extends its outreach to a wider and diverse audience.

Food-Hub: EDA in Python and PowerBI Dashboard

Conducted an EDA of FoodHub’s operational data to uncovered valuable insights that can shape strategic decisions and elevate the overall customer experience. This is complemented with a PowerBI dashboard showcasing the findings.

Sunset theme Online Clock

Design an online clock website as part of frontendmentor.io challenge using a combination of HTML, CSS JavaScript. I tailored it to my personal preferences with a soothing sunset theme.